CD Cooperation with Jay Mood "It's just a game"
In May 2022 the album "It's Just a Game" was released by the Bratislava band Jay Mood, who performed as the house band at the...

European Blues Challenge 2023
Jörg Danielsen & Band at the European Blues Challenge 2023 We're proud to announce that Austria will be represented at the European Blues...

NEW live album "Live aus dem Jazzland" available!
Shortly before the European tour with the Verteramo Trio feat. Jorge Costales & Jörg Danielsen will release their new album "Live aus dem...

Jörg Danielsen & Vienna Blues Association – Guess Who´s Got The Blues (New Album/Teaser)
The great Danielsen is going to release a new album on Wolf Records, “Guess Who´s Got The Blues”, Jörg plays on this album with his own...

Blues straight outta Buenos Aires
It's finally here! The new album "Blues straight outta Buenos Aires" (Wolf Records) is now available straight outta the press! The album,...

Jörg Danielsen, The New Wolf Records Artist
The whole Wolf Records International Team is proud to welcome Jörg in our Team, he is a real musician and fits perfect in the modern...

Off to Argentina/South America!
From March 16th to March 26th I have the great pleasure to go on tour to South America, more precisely to Argentina. Together with the...

Brand new Groove Section!
Nun ist es so weit! Am 25 Oktober wird der erste gemeinsame Auftritt mit der neuen Formation mit Walter Walterson am Bass, sowie...

Ende & Neuanfang der Blues-Jam-Session
Seit 2008 gab es den von mir geleiteten, alle 2 Wochen stattfindenden, Fixtermin in der Bierkanzlei. Im laufe der Jahre hat sich die Jam...

Im Februar: Florian Faltner am Bass
Seit mehr als einem Jahr gibt im Coopers No1, den BlueMonday. Bisher wurde der erste Montag im Monat von 18-21 Uhr mit dem Duo "Edi Fenzl...