Jörg Danielsen, The New Wolf Records Artist
The whole Wolf Records International Team is proud to welcome Jörg in our Team, he is a real musician and fits perfect in the modern Bluesworld. We`re going to release a brand new CD with him soon, so stay on our Website to get more informations of the new album! “Sarcastic, happy, sad, cynical, black-humorous – that’s my blues! “ For almost twenty years Jörg Danielsen’s heart beats for the earthiest of all musical genres.
At concerts with his band, the Vienna Blues Association and the – now legendary – blues jam sessions he organizes, classics by Albert Collins, Magic Slim and Muddy Waters are given as much as songs of their own accord.
National and international cooperations as well as four own albums are among the great successes of recent years.
In 2017, Jörg conquered Argentina and toured with the local blues band Verteramo Trio & Jorge Costales and the “Blues Company” across the country to present his album. It was also possible to perform together with Mártin Burguez (El Club del Jump) and Juancho Hernandez (Evil Blues Band / La Frondosa Records).
But also, in Europe, Jörg travels a lot and toured in the spring and autumn of 2017 with his trio, the Vienna Blues Association, through Austria, Germany and Switzerland.